Friday, February 13, 2009

The Impact

I know I may be slightly late with this one but either way, Barack has inspired the entire minority world

During a starry night, cries can be heard
Screaming of injustice, of absence, and of neglect
The world has ignored these noises
They have even turned the volume up on thier telvisions
They hear those screams and they try to out shout it
Blaming their troubles on the ones in pain
Ignoring the fact that they have caused it all
The plans they set forth has placed misery in the hearts of many,while putting power in the hands of few

But all of a sudden, we see a glimpse of hope
A shooting star seems to be heading right for our homes
It burned brighter than anything ever seenIts light brings a sense of comfort, hope, and brings a break in the dispair
No longer will we have a success ceiling
Its light now shows the injustice that has been displayed
Shines on the hidden threats upon the lives of the "low class"
Now their oppression can be seen coast to coast
With their boots off our necks, we begin to make our way up
Our heads began to tilt, and watch that star come closer and closer to landing
Our hearts shed the weights of stress
Our children think higher of themselves and envision a new level of success
Some expected, this star to crash and burn
But to their surprise it landed with class, and its light still shines
We have heard stories of this star before, and now our dreams have come true

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