Tuesday, October 27, 2009


After a long hiatus I return!! After my morning jog, this came to mind...

This morning I awoke to empty arms but a full mind
Overflowing with memories of kiss that were sweet and kind
i reach out for your hand to hold and caress
i reach out for your arm your shoulder your breasts
anything in arms length i want in my grasp
who would have thought that after i left these feelings would last
alone in my bed, i wait to dream of you
not dancing in feilds, or rolling in morning dew
but of just laying together in each others arms
thoughts of our love pour as my heart warms
it is clear to me that your absence has hurt me
if only days before i would have opened my eyes and tried to see
how you took care of me when i was in pain
how you went with me on my mental trips, as if i were a train
if i could take back my thoughts and return to our last meeting
i would change my actions, and continue to wake up to your morning greeting
hello my love, with a smile and a kiss
i never thought it'd be you i miss

Monday, September 14, 2009

Razors, Pin Needles, and Swords

Hey.....still not feeling so bueno right now. But this is one I've been meaning to write. Its another eye opener to a road few have been on. I hope you understand it....

He hurt me
He called me names and destroyed my name
He left me a shell of a woman

How can I recover from this
How I hate how I feel
How does he know just what to say just to destroy me

I'm left an emotional mess
I'm in my room shaking from frustration
I'm lost at how to recover

So I search my room for the antidote
So many choices I cannot make a decision
So much pain my vision is blurred from the pain and the tears

I cannot take this internal pain
I wish it was a sore
I could just put a band aid on it

My mind wanders
My hand finds a possibility
My hand shakes building up the courage

Now I feel release
Now my blood no longer boils
Now it only runs

Finally my release
Finally my mind is free from my troubles
Finally I can breath free

Only I went to far
Only an inch to far
Only if I would have given it some thought

I no longer feel pain
I am getting numb actually
I can feel myself grow tired and cold

The blade falls
The body hits the floor
The eyes shut and the breath escapes

To compensate with my emotions
To rescue myself from a pain that could not be bared
To release myself from a world that could be unforgiving

I've severed my pain
I've severed our connection
I've severed the vain that kept me racked in pain

Now I feel no pain
Now he cannot hurt me
Now I no longer live

Topsy Turvy

Hey....I'm at a low morale at this time, so this is something that kinda expresses how i feel at the momment....

For a moment I floated
High above any trouble,
gliding above any hater

But now I've come crashing down
Flying no more, but slamming in to a floor of agony
Never has this feeling been experienced

I hear encouragementbut it only hovers where i once was
Is this the harsh reality
Nobody has my back,except just to stab me?

I'm lost
Left only to hold the map of life,
wishing to find myself and my destination

Rock bottom is where I lay
Before I was on my way up,
but now i rest on the bottom

Taking a breather
My eyes closed,
but swelling

Soon to burst onto nobody's shoulders
Leaving my face,
only to land on my shirt

Never knew what all alone meant till now
I left "love" to return to "love",
One fake, the other absent

Is this what the real world has in store?
An appeal to leave to success,
but you open your eyes to dissappointment?

Oh how I wish I could bring myself up
Just to reach up
and grap my own hand and inspire myself

But somethings call for help
If I scream it at the top of my lungs
no one shall come running

Plans have been laid, but also have been overlooked
Plans have been made, but instructions have not been given
Plans have been claimed, but one is sure to be a failure

I once again, am lost
No one can give me direction
Ill will is around me constantly

I grab onto the false encouragements
Hoping that I can fool myself
into believing thier words

I sit in the midst of the public with tears on their mark
Ready to race,
I wonder which eye will cry more

Understanding of pain for pain hits my mind
I want this to be overI need this to end

Love has left me for dead
Pain has become my friend

Monday, August 24, 2009


Wattup I'm back, this is a poem for when you like somebody already taken and you feel as if they usin' you. For the ladies you can replace "Queen" with "King"......

Good day my Queen!
I am here at your service
You seem to be frowning so let me cheer you up
I’ll dance around you to give you entertainment
I’ll kneel at your feet to show your power
I’ll even kiss them just to prove adoration
I’ll trip and fall just for your amusement
All this for you, the Queen I love
Even when your back is from me, my love emits from my pores
When I see you with the king I glare with envy
I shall keep my distance for I know my place
You only call me when the king has upset you
Or when he has chosen to watch the jousting match instead of talking to you
I am here to catch your tear
And he is there to hold your heart
If only you would give me a day with it
It would nestle itself in my hold
I would keep it clean with a constant shower of kisses
It would forever be with me as I carefully hold it
It would never get cold for it would be close to mine
Oh how it would be to be king for a day
Yet I long for our meetings, even if they are but short
I love you my Queen
Even if I am but only your toy

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fight It

Old surges fighting for fame and fortune
No telling where the end will come
All work to tell old habits to quit
Takes all types of dedication only prayer can grant
All my life an old habit has controlled me
Smells of change always taken over by smells of old pleasures
Now new deals are made to compensate old deals
For now’s satisfaction
More days of punishment now added
Just to have seconds of gratitude
Now my attitude has to be adjusted to meet new circumstances
But now I don’t know if I would have even made it
Hunger pains hit me, as my brain is not fed
Now I see I’ve been starving myself
And my own demise is in my hands
My self-destruction is evident and no stopping is in view
Non-stop juggernaut is my problem nothing can stand in its way
One thing to stop me is this light that shows why I hide
No longer hidden I see my death
No longer living now and forever
But now death is upon me and I just accept it
Help is far from being called, especially from my lips
Pride holds off this solution
I really see Grim coming now he reaches out
No need to wrestle or tussle with this death that is at hand
But now all I do is wait for his touch
And hope my prayer hits His ear before we touch
Just resisting is hard enough
I don’t have the strength to fight it

Saturday, June 6, 2009

One of A Kind

All on my own
Never needing assistance, but always in need
Only if I could come to grips with reality
A one way street waiting for someone going the wrong way
A two-sided coin but both sides different
Born a twin but born years apart form either sibling
One way to charm but many ways to seduce
Only one way to get down but all types of ways to get up to get down
One-sided minds think in six different ways until 1 conclusion is made
This is one off the wall type stuff but it is never ending
Speakers that blast the loudest music is still as loud as a deaf mute
A voice that screams into the darkness that never ends
Only an out of this world experience can stop this weird pain that only hurts when I try to be like everyone else
If only I understood this soul born on my day
If only this soul could be tamed
If I could only let myself see him and explain the rules of this world
Wasted energy as enormous masses of sound collide into eardrums that finally empty out this trash into it surroundings
No one can understand him but his own self but he makes great sense
One time of lifetime events can make a life no longer worthwhile
Stress sounds as if clashing of cymbals into a new babes ear now only one can sound to this deaf ear but its techniques are seen but never to be understood
A bad note only sounds good if it’s in the beginning
Now, all ends on bad notes
As it plays in my ears I can only feel life reflecting on myself
A boss of all but losing a war with itself
A leader that leads from the back for it wants its followers to feel comfortable
Now no longer wanting acceptance just waiting for all to end
Only one truly understands but can’t bring the end until work is done
Now what do I do but end it all no longer solitary
Crowded, scared, and confused
Blending breaks my skin
Causing my soul to leak
So to save my life I must be one of a kind
Only a fool can make sense of foolishness
So I gotta be one of a kind

Friday, May 15, 2009

Holding The Scalpel

This is the first poem that I wrote that has been published....wrote it in 5th grade

Holding the scalpel makes me feel like superman,
With the kryptonite of a patient dying

Making me feel weak,
Wanting not to feel the sorrow

But hoping on the good foot,
coming back to do my job as a surgeon

Instead of having a flat line,
give life to the line

Let it dance to the beat of life,
Zigzagging between obstacles of death

Living in Heart, Body, and soul

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This life that I view in my mirror
Not knowing whether it’s worth continuing
Like a kid at an arcade with his game at game over

With few seconds to choose whether the game is worth that last quarter
Seconds past on my last chance time is wasting away

My life on the line, time has never been on my side
Seconds tick, while my pain tocks, hitting me deeply

My neck shifts while looking both ways before I cross this narrow street
But then all of a sudden my mid flashes to one faithful day

Needless I take the stand in this court case
When justly somebody paid my penalty
Now before a jury comes out with their verdict

Before my time runs out and my game is truly
An infinite amount of quarters, new evidence found

All to me because of my Father is caring
And my Brother is saving

Friday, May 1, 2009


This is a lil something that every girl should do for their man.

With just your eyes, you make me never wanna blink
To never miss your gaze, to read your mind, giving me a direct link

With just your body, you make me wanna kneel and pray
To thank the Lord for the wonderful beauty he has made

With just your lips you make me wanna kiss you, till the sun goes down
When the sun comes back, you make me wanna take you 'round town

To point out every girl that you have made insignificant
I've played my part, my game is put away. Keep on playin, thats somethin I can't

With your arms, you make me wanna hold you tight
To hold you close and with all my might

With your legs, you make me wanna follow you
To the ends of the earth, and do whatever you do

And with your heart, I will live everyday just to hear the beat through
This is how you make my life worth, as every woman should do

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tired Of This Everlasting Race

This is a poem that basically talks about when you try to get over an old flame but its to no avail...

In the beginning, the gun blasted and we met
I took off like my heart couldn't contain itself
each passing step we went stride for stride.
As the time passed, as feet became meters, and meters became kilometers
I noticed a difference in your step
slowly but surely you began to slow and drift off.
WE no longer run, but now YOU pace yourself alone
my heart itself slows to adjust to the hurt and pain.
I try to run at my own pace and finish this thing myself
but every once and a while I catch glance of you
and I slow for you, remembering our past miles run
but you pass me and leave me in the dust.
I slow almost to a stop
My heart wishes to quit, and I wish to finish
As runners pass me and my feelings run me down
I lose more than a race, but I also lose a peace of me

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Writer's Block

Whenever you poets out there have a problem writing a poem, write about the struggle to write...

In the midst of the pen stroke
ideas fly awayas if to flee from a predator.
They run and scatter as roachesas the light turns on.
New thoughts come and the subject changes
but once again the idea eater returns.
Thoughts run faster than everand we are left lagging behind.

So we take a walk, to clear our mindsbut we take our notepad
just in case the mood strikes.
Lucky us it has!
Inspiration, our savior, swoops to our rescue.
We attack the paper
So hard the pen bleeds our emotions
The paper cries out as we scratch franticly
but once again, from which we runit returned.
So our heads held low, we return almost defeated
but we will not give up.

Minds blank
but we blast music and read books
to spark the fire that will NOT be quenched.
Its workin'!
Here our pen flies again,
soaring higher than planes
faster than jets.
That creep can't catch us now
We look over our shoulder,
no one is there, so we continue to write.
But soon as the end of our race comes
and we see the finish linewe stumble.

The day draws to an end, and the pest returns
along with a friend that weighs eyelids.
Drifting in out of this worldwe hang up the pad
and rest the pen.
He has won this round,but we shall return.
And when we dohe shall run and hide.
Sheets of paper will fly,
pens will die of lack of life blood
and we will be the victors.

Standing atop of the block

Thursday, April 2, 2009









Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage


MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebs

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Solving Every Problem

I want to bring you another look at a hidden life....

Neglected by the lame kids
Embaressed by the cool kids
and my "friends" leave me behind

I'm left with new friends
That were previously associates
They always come together

They're die hard, no one is ever left behind
Sometimes I take a couple out
and we just pass out on my bed

We reminense on times where my heart was broken
or times I've been hurt
They tell me soothing wordsand help me to forget my short comings

I sense now that I need all my friends,because today was a hard day
We all gathered in my room
I listen to music as I prepare for our meeting

And here they come, a handful at a time
As they arrive, I begin to feel better and better
And when they all arrive, you wouldn't believe how light they made my load

So light I felt as if I was floatin
gBut all of a sudden, I began to sink
My tongue began to fill with words of wonder

How did peace become war in such an instance?
How can my friends turn on me?
My parents found melying in my room

Sleeping, full of my friends bad advice
My pain is at an end
I listened to my friends by the bottle full

And they overtook my thoughts
and they led me to the dead end,
that has now become my residence

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I got another poem. Just about missing the touch and the presence of another person...

One night of bliss and a sense of selflessness
One gift given and returned is a smile that lights up faces and brightens days
Too many times have this trip been taken, but this is the first that will lead to a never-ending
Slight misses and obvious errors are disregarded because of the present company
These times have been dreamt but now they become reality
The ordinary ensues, and of course we know how it will result
And again steps are skipped but a hold is put up and this shall be continued later
Sitting in peace and awaiting the one moment
Mysterious channels are discovered and images become dreams in a conscious form
Once again the old starts up and this time it’s taken to its fullness
One drops and bows in a sign of adoration and appreciation
Love is spoken in tongues never heard of, but every word is understood and is appreciated deeply
Time and care is spent and in every motion
With no thought of reparations or the cause and effect
But all thoughts on satisfaction from this selfless action
Time passes and everything bounces back
Once again a gift is given, while again it is given without thought
The night continues as touches become better, softer, and more meaningful
Skin on skin becomes like hot oil to a sore back
Or as food to an empty stomach
As I sit and reflect on days past, and feelings felt
I become sick, and lifeless
My life is void of all substance in the lack of your touch
My life continues but I feel nothing
My life stagnant without your presence
Others cannot fill how you feel
I’ve been touched by some, but the feeling is numb
In your absence I remain paralyzed
Stuck in nothing, with you as my everything
Each breath is passed so I can find the one that leads to you
I ride along now with my hand out
Feeling for you

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I Knew Her Well

This one is about meeting someone and fallin' for them, and then finding out one of your friends is trying to talk to them

Have I met your girl?
Who is she man?
Oh word, I saw a girl like that.
Yeah man! We me last week
That nightclub down the street, I got to know her personally
We shared a dance and we exchange a loving glance
Our minds melded, and we shared breakfast the next morning
I took her home, but plans have been laid for days to come
Yeah, we been hangin' out all the time
I took her to the mall, she made purchases for me with a card with your name
so, I guess I should thank you for the Timbs

Have I heard from your girl?
Yeah! We txtin' right now.
I'm sendin' her messages with hidden messages.
She replyin' with the same, complimented with smiley faces winkin' and cheesin'
Tellin' me what she wearin' and what she wanna do.
Got me wonderin' where her mind at,
Cause she tellin' me where her hand is.

Do I know where your girl is?
Yeah, man. We spent the day together again.
Walked in the park holdin' hands and sittin' relaxin'
Lettin' our minds connect on a level that would rock an entire block.
She tellin' me your short comings, which I match with my strenghts.
So I just took her home, and told her to relax.
I took her mind off the nonesense and replaced it with common sense.
Don't stress over stupid when you a genius.
I took her back to the pad cause she missed her gym day
So we worked up a sweat together.

What's she up to?
Well she's my girl now.
Standin' by my side, warmin' up the passenger seat in my ride
Enjoyin' the mental stimilation, and lovin' the physicall bliss
While I enjoy the provoking thoughts, and the sensual talk
Can't talk now, we bout to go for a walk

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Music to My Ears

This is an ode to one of my loves...

After long hard days, medium boring classes, and short tempered friends
I come home to you and all you do is comfort me

My butts on the couch, arms behind my head, and my feet on the table
You sing sweetly in my ears, messaging my brain

I've walked through tired classes, restless drama, and comatose teachers
But you energize me with your radical rants and raves

Surviving the shouts of the ignorant, the whispers of the wise, and the silence of those who wish to know
Your screams ease me into the politics of life

I've lost my will to be patient, my lack of forgiveness, and the respect of my peers
And yet you bring to my realization how my life can be improved

In all aspects, in every situation, and each oppurtunity
With you in my ear, I conquer every situation

If I Could Hover Above

This is just about being able to attend your own funeral...

If I could hover aboveas they prepare my body
washing my skin, cleaning out every crevice
and as they dress me in the last suit that I will ever wear

If I could hover above
the moment I am rolled into the sanctuary,
watch as they place flowers around me and my box
and turn as they place the microphone on the stage and do the sound checks

If I could hover above
them as they prepare the hearse
vaccuuming the seats, and filling up the pockets with mints
shining it up, and placing the "funeral" flags on the front

If I could hover above
as teary eyes drag in
momma barely walking on her own as it begins to really kick in
daddy unable to hold his composure as he weeps

If I could hover above
while the seats fill up
and when they are filled its standing room only
and watch as tears stream down every face

If I could hover above
memories I have created are relived
smiles come, but they only come for moments
as the eulogy is given, it becomes more and more evident that I'm gone

If I could hover above
and witness them getting their last eyeful of me
"it doesn't look like him"
I would hear silent shrieks and cries pour out of hearts and souls as the door is closed

If I could hover above
as I'm carried away by my uncles, brothers, and my fathers
as I take my last car ride
I become the pace car in a race that starts at my ending

If I could hover above
as ashes and dust are poured over my last home
the flowers float ever so softly down to me
they land, and give me their last goodbyes

But I can't hover above
I'm just a statistic of a drive-by
a young man at the right place at the wrong time
in my obedience, I am harmed

I can't hover above
So I lay instead

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Impact

I know I may be slightly late with this one but either way, Barack has inspired the entire minority world

During a starry night, cries can be heard
Screaming of injustice, of absence, and of neglect
The world has ignored these noises
They have even turned the volume up on thier telvisions
They hear those screams and they try to out shout it
Blaming their troubles on the ones in pain
Ignoring the fact that they have caused it all
The plans they set forth has placed misery in the hearts of many,while putting power in the hands of few

But all of a sudden, we see a glimpse of hope
A shooting star seems to be heading right for our homes
It burned brighter than anything ever seenIts light brings a sense of comfort, hope, and brings a break in the dispair
No longer will we have a success ceiling
Its light now shows the injustice that has been displayed
Shines on the hidden threats upon the lives of the "low class"
Now their oppression can be seen coast to coast
With their boots off our necks, we begin to make our way up
Our heads began to tilt, and watch that star come closer and closer to landing
Our hearts shed the weights of stress
Our children think higher of themselves and envision a new level of success
Some expected, this star to crash and burn
But to their surprise it landed with class, and its light still shines
We have heard stories of this star before, and now our dreams have come true

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wishing Of Love Lost

This one is about how you kinda fall for someone, and something happens and you just want to lose all feelings for this person. You just wish you didn't like/love them anymore. Here we go.....

Man, my memories of the love we shared leaves me floating in mid-air
The times we had lunch out on the field, as the wind blowed through you short hair
The looks we exchange as if we were trading baseball cards
No longer loving glances, my hearts falls and breaks into shards
of glass they cut my feet, to the white meat,
leaving me lying hurt, alone in the street

The smell of you in my favorite sweater
I hate it now, how I wish I never met her
Can't stand to see her beautiful face, so I'm writting this letter
I thought I was uncomparable, but she's found somebody better
As I'm writting tears fall, I ponder thoughts of one last call,
but I'm tired of being the only one giving the other my all

Its signed and its sealed all thats left is for it to be sent
I get in my car, and postal is where I went
Crazily I drive, windows down in this freezing weather
My thoughts run wild, as I envision your burden of all of this as light as a feather
All I want to do is loose this love,
last thoughts of us fitting like a glove
But I can't take it anymore, over this pain I am above

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Where Are All The Good Men

What is the deal! I return to remind all the ladies where to look for the best men, (hint* ATL). Sike, but this is a reminder to all females....

Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!Wanted!
A few good men!
A man that opens doors, and pulls out the chair at dinner
A man that can hold his own, and enough strength to carry his girl.

A REAL gentleman in the steets
Puts love first, and homies second

They have searched everywhere
In bars, in clubsIn libraries, in grocery stores
In malls, and stores
Everywhere you could think ofexecpt for under our noses

The gentlemen, they get looked over and skipped
The nice guys, get stepped on and ignored
Many days they cry on these men's shoulders
About the men they passed over them for
These men hold the door open
And you thank them by goin for the same men that step on you

So is this still urgent?
Are they still hidden?
You complain about the dogs
And you skip over the men
You like being ignored, you like being hurt
This is the image you portray
This is what you ask for

This is the ode the gentlemen
An ode to the nice guys
You wonder where are the good men
check your friends

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Neglected Presence

This goes out to all my hood people out there.

In zones, in wards, in burrows we live, and strive to survive
you call them hoods but we call them homes
you fear to drive through them, while we wish to live through them
you glance at them and grimace with disgust, we stare at them and smile with hope
stars glamourize the dispair they faced while sitting in our shoes, our residents just live in it, making the best of our dealt hand

A house with 3 rooms is packed to capacity
a full size refridgerator is fully empty, it matches our stomachs
we heat the house with an applaince that cooks our imaginary food
head to toe we sleep, hand to mouth we live

We only dream of escaping this destiny of just enough
so we resort to means that would disgust most but encourage others
selling the ame thing that caused mom to leaves on the doorstep of grandma's house
slinging to the same group that broke in the house last week
defending to the death the same thing that is killing our brothers and sisters
we only see ourselves in the results and we ignore the ones we step on in our attempt to escape

We decline the help of those who hurt us
our family has been wronged and all we see is the equal reprecussion
again and again we step into somebody's trap
the only escape is looked over and treated as plan
We witness our brothers taken from us but nobody ever sees anything
we are taught to stay blind
a blind eye to what can hurt us and an open eye to our own oppurtunities
what are our other options, watch with open eyes
and share the same fate, someody must stand up

In theses zones, wards, and burrows we are bornand in these same zones, wards, and burrows they want us to die

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Just to start thing us I'm gonna hit ya with Deeper (which can be found on my facebook)

The sun rises to those whose backs bear wounds
from friends that come with missions that are shaded
that will soon lead to you being degraded, and embarassed
I rise and begin my day the same way each daypondering if my pet can solve my problems
Everyday I feel pain that medicine can't numb
A stinging that cannot be ignored

I lie in bed resting my mind and resting my body
But mostly trying to forget my troubles
No wife, no kids, even my pet wants to do me wrong
Hours of lying in self pity, I begin to drown
Swallowing the years of depression that continues to pour into my mind
I reach out wildly for the good memories
The days that my son would look into my eyes and tell me of his love for me
The times my wife laid in my arms until she fell asleep, and awakening in the same postion

But constantly they are outwayed by the times I showed my love with kisses
Kisses that left bruises on each cheek, and both arms
By the times that I visited my son lying in a bed
Dead to the world, and me myself in a cage like the animal that I proved myself to be
These times flood my mind
I toss and turn as the sun goes down

Still I lie in the same position
But by now the bed is in a different condition
Surrounded by the sharpest of swords
Letters of mail that describes the feelings this land has for me
In each one they broadcast one common goalthis goal only me and my pet can solve

Finally I arise
Gently I pick up my petIn my hand my bird sits and perches itself
I give the world what they wantI hold my deserted eagle as it screeches in my ear
And with this I fly down my building to show the world exactly what they were asking for

The Opening Act

Dear Reader,

Good day and greetings. Let me just introduce myself, my name is Douglas Fuller aka Doug E. Fresh. I am a college student at ORU and I am a poet, retired football player (considering the fact that my school has no football team), semi-semi-pro basketball player, but an athlete none-the-less. I am in the pathway to become a fashion designer of my own clothing line which WILL come out this year.

But this blog is about me and my insight and anything that comes cross my mind in my poetry. I will try to post poetry everyday. You can find most of these poems on my facebook, so check those out too.



Doug Fresh