Friday, May 15, 2009

Holding The Scalpel

This is the first poem that I wrote that has been published....wrote it in 5th grade

Holding the scalpel makes me feel like superman,
With the kryptonite of a patient dying

Making me feel weak,
Wanting not to feel the sorrow

But hoping on the good foot,
coming back to do my job as a surgeon

Instead of having a flat line,
give life to the line

Let it dance to the beat of life,
Zigzagging between obstacles of death

Living in Heart, Body, and soul

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This life that I view in my mirror
Not knowing whether it’s worth continuing
Like a kid at an arcade with his game at game over

With few seconds to choose whether the game is worth that last quarter
Seconds past on my last chance time is wasting away

My life on the line, time has never been on my side
Seconds tick, while my pain tocks, hitting me deeply

My neck shifts while looking both ways before I cross this narrow street
But then all of a sudden my mid flashes to one faithful day

Needless I take the stand in this court case
When justly somebody paid my penalty
Now before a jury comes out with their verdict

Before my time runs out and my game is truly
An infinite amount of quarters, new evidence found

All to me because of my Father is caring
And my Brother is saving

Friday, May 1, 2009


This is a lil something that every girl should do for their man.

With just your eyes, you make me never wanna blink
To never miss your gaze, to read your mind, giving me a direct link

With just your body, you make me wanna kneel and pray
To thank the Lord for the wonderful beauty he has made

With just your lips you make me wanna kiss you, till the sun goes down
When the sun comes back, you make me wanna take you 'round town

To point out every girl that you have made insignificant
I've played my part, my game is put away. Keep on playin, thats somethin I can't

With your arms, you make me wanna hold you tight
To hold you close and with all my might

With your legs, you make me wanna follow you
To the ends of the earth, and do whatever you do

And with your heart, I will live everyday just to hear the beat through
This is how you make my life worth, as every woman should do